
I firmly believe that educators should have an online presence.  When I arrived at Condit I wrote the following blog post:

Fourteen years ago the question that I’ve been thinking about for the past few days didn’t exist.  In 1997 I was just beginning my teaching career and I didn’t have to decide whether I was going to blog or tweet.  In fact, I would love to go back in time and be able to see the expression on just about any teacher’s face if you were to pose that question to them.  Thankfully, the world is more connected today and we no longer have to rely on simply a letter home or a phone call.  Today websites showcase the happenings in a classroom, twitter accounts make quick communication simple, social bookmarking allows resources to be shared with a few clicks, and blogging allows teachers to share their professional thoughts with a vast and diverse audience.  If fourteen years ago the question about blogging and tweeting seemed absurd, perhaps the idea that teachers today would exchew the opportunity to showcase their work and communicate in these ways would seem equally as perplexing. I tweet, I blog, I socially bookmark however this is my first real go at using posterous as space to share my thoughts and my professional happenings.  I’m looking forward to it.

I moved my blog from Posterous to WordPress February 2013 but I believe the sentiment above remains the same.  I’m looking forward to sharing the amazing things I see at Condit.


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