Be Everywhere

I recently finished reading The Principled Principal by Jeff Zoul & Anthony McConnell, and I’m pleased to report that it produced several head nodding, highlighter grabbing moments for me as I reflected on the way I go about my business as a school leader.   Among the several ideas that Jeff and Anthony discussed, there was one that really got my mind buzzing, and it was a short and simple statement: be everywhere.

The more I thought about it, the more vigorously I nodded my head in agreement.  The way I see it, there are three different ways for me to be everywhere.

Be physically everywhere.  This was the first aspect, and most obvious aspect, I thought about, and this has always been something I make a concerted effort to achieve each day.  I want our students, teachers, and parents to see me in the hallways, classrooms, learning commons, and lunchroom…oh, I guess you might find me in my office sometimes as well.  Being present means being connected, and that is something I put a premium on.

Be digitally everywhere.  You’ve likely heard me say something along the lines of tell your story, or someone else will tell it for you at some point and I mean that sincerely.  If we want everyone to know that great things happening on our campus, it means communicating digitally with our families (Livingtree) and the world (social media outlets).  We have too many amazing things happening at 7000 S. Third Street to keep it to ourselves.

Be tuned-in everywhere.  This last part is the one that I realized after thinking on it for a bit, and being tuned in means, knowing what’s going on.  We do this by doing far more listening than we do talking. Understanding the culture of the building and community is more than just showing up and doing your job, it means seeks to understand the issues that folks are sorting out at the school and community level.

Clearly I have my work cut out for me!  I look forward to doing my best to be everywhere, all the time, everyday.  Let’s also not forget to enjoy the spring weather as the school year continues to roll on, and take time to appreciate all of our annual end of the year events which will begin shortly.  Get those cameras ready and check the calendar…you won’t want to miss being there.

