It is what it is

I think it was the hall of fame coach Bill Parcells who issued the response “it is what it is” during a post-game press conference. Since that time this refrain seems to have become the perfect way to end a conversation about nearly anything, particularly when explaining why something might not be working well. I’m going to be honest, I don’t like it.

The whole idea reeks of give up. It’s much easier to simply shrug something off that should be adressed  than actually putting in the work to make it right.

Perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised. When I was growing up I’m certain I was told to ‘leave well enough alone’ and isn’t this the same thing?  I guess good enough was…good enough.

I’m not sure when my change in perspective happened. There was a time that I thought ‘it is what it is’ was genius; a great way to avoid talking about an issue that was likely uncomfortable.

In my relatively short time as a campus leader I’ve witnessed, first hand, the dangers of avoidance.  Somethings never ‘is what it is’, its what we allow it to continue to be until we choose to do something about it.

Lets choose to do something about it.